Helping Your Child Cope With Anxiety

Redefining Normal For Our Children’s Mental and Physical Health
Redefining Normal for the health and wellness of our kids

The Gut-Brain Connection: Why Your Microbiome Matters More Than You Think

Just Forgive & Forget…and other myths of the Church
The Hormonal Benefits of Regular Exercise: What You Need to Know
Fitness for optimal hormones… it’s not as complicated as it sounds!

Helping Your Child Overcome A Spirit Of Rejection
If you’re going to live in this world, you will face rejection. Helping our growing children know how to address rejection when it comes is a vital key to their successful development.

3 Ways To Manage Anxiety as a Christian
3 Ways to Manage Anxiety as a Christian

5 Strategies on Parenting a Child With ADHD

3 Nutrients Your ADHD-Child Needs

3 Steps To a PMS-Free Summer

5 ways to nurture self-care in the throes of special needs motherhood

The real reason your hormones are a mess in your 30’s…

Preparing For a Peace-Filled Summer (As a special needs mom)

I Cant Give Her What She Needs…

Sibling Support: Navigating The Journey of Caring for A Child With Special Needs
Supporting the sibling of a child with special needs takes extra thought, care and intentionality that we often feel we don’t have. Read for 3 practical steps to supporting your child .

A Day in the Life of a PANDA
Here are a few things I have learned: The conventional approach of PANDAS seems simple. IVIG to get rid of the autoimmune response, antibiotics to kill the strep, sometimes antidepressants or SSRI's. But NOTHING to reduce brain inflammation (other than ibuprofen which simply tackles symptoms not the underlying cause). Nothing to address gut health, which is severely impacted due to microglial activation and cytokines gone haywire. Nothing to support the regeneration of neurons that have been damaged by the "fight" against the basal ganglia. Addressing each of these underlying causes is PIVOTAL in healing from PANS/PANDAS.

Fall-Inspired Apple & Sweet Potato Hash
Is it really fall if you're not enjoying the combined robust flavors of apple, sweet potato and spices? Just thinking about it has me reminiscing about pumpkin patches, leaves crunching under my feet, and a warm mug of spiced cider in my chilled hands. Not only is this recipe chalk full of hormone supporting nutrients, it is delicious AND satisfying!

Does Your Food Make You Angry?
I had been reading and researching like crazy how gluten affects your thyroid because the gluten protein is almost identical molecularly to the thyroid hormone, and so your body begins attacking your own thyroid which can lead to thyroid disorders, etc. I decided after having such a negative response to gluten upon reintroducing it, that we would just cut it out altogether.

The Most Painful Part…
The pain that this belief brought up was indescribable and the tension grew as I continued to fight when God was asking me to surrender and I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I began to have to look at my belief about who God is… is he kind? Is he for me even in this? Where is he when I’m being crushed? Does he even see how much this is costing us emotionally, spiritually and financially?

I began to ask the question: If God is with me, then what is He doing right now that I can begin to keep my eyes on?
If God is with us, then what does he want to BE for me right now that he could not be at any other time?
And within those questions, God became real to me in depths I didn't even know I needed him.