The Most Painful Part…
The pain that this belief brought up was indescribable and the tension grew as I continued to fight when God was asking me to surrender and I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I began to have to look at my belief about who God is… is he kind? Is he for me even in this? Where is he when I’m being crushed? Does he even see how much this is costing us emotionally, spiritually and financially?

I began to ask the question: If God is with me, then what is He doing right now that I can begin to keep my eyes on?
If God is with us, then what does he want to BE for me right now that he could not be at any other time?
And within those questions, God became real to me in depths I didn't even know I needed him.

Rewrite Your Shame Story: An Infidelity Story with Amy Ganz
Very few details were spared in this episode, and yet none of it was at the expense of her ex. Amy shares candidly of her experience of walking out shame and the recovery because she knows that talking honestly with vulnerability about the process is ultimately what pulled her out. “I remember just like this sinking feeling in my stomach that I was like, I'm going to hear something really bad. And I don't know what it is. But I just feel like it's gonna be really, really bad.”