Inner Healing & Deliverance
What is Inner Healing?
Inner healing is the restoration of the mind and emotions. It is the fruit if true deliverance ministry and looks like a healthy mind, emotions and heart.
What is Deliverance?
Deliverance is the process of removing every demonically influenced obstacle that prevents us from accessing everything that has been made available through the purchased blood of Jesus Christ.
Foundations For Ministry
Truth: We all have wounds and lies that have come at us through life circumstances. The bible says that the enemy, the deceiver, comes to draw us away from the living one Jesus. When we have pain, trauma or hurt in our lives, the enemy often comes in with lies that keep us bound to our wounds.
The purpose of an inner-healing session is to get rid of the lies, and encounter truth that sets us free from the pain of our past.
Encounter: Encountering Jesus, Father God and Holy Spirit is a cornerstone to not only receiving healing, but maintaining our freedom in Christ. Encountering Jesus is not only biblical, it is an essential part of the healing process that all believers need to experience. Throughout the inner healing session we will be inviting all participants to encounter all members of the Godhead.
Freedom: Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. The fruit of true deliverance and inner healing is FREEDOM in Mind, body and spirit! God is a multi-dimensional God and that means our freedom is multi-dimensional as well! We get to experience truth, encounter Jesus that leads to lasting freedom in all areas of our lives: mind/body and spirit.
The Mandate
Every believer should be walking in freedom in mind, body and spirit.
“Restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritances, to say to the captives, ‘Come out,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Be free!’ They will feed beside the roads and find pasture on every barren hill. They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them, He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.” - Isaiah 49:8-10
The heart of Inner Healing & Deliverance Ministries facilitated by Andrea Jones is modeled after the inner healing and deliverance ministry of Jesus that shows us what true reconciliation and restoration should look like on the earth- both for believers and unbelievers.
Andrea is trained in various biblically based inner healing models including (but not limited to): Cleansing Streams, Theophostic Ministry, Sozo, Advanced Sozo, Shabar, Courts of Heaven, Generational Deliverance and more.
More on Deliverance
Andrea Jones
Inner Healing & Deliverance Minister
Raised in a Christian home, Andrea understood the power of a relationship with Jesus that changes everything. This relationship with Jesus would be the life-saving-force that got her through recovering from years of emotional abuse that led to being in bondage to anxiety, depression and suicide.
Determined that this was not the abundant life Jesus died on the cross for, Andrea began pursuing inner healing and was radically delivered from anxiety, foreboding, trauma, unforgiveness and depression.
Since then, she has been privileged to lead hundreds of others from around the world through biblically based inner healing and deliverance, training and equipping leaders to minster effectively and safely, and leading classes on inner healing and deliverance.
Andrea has taught deliverance and inner healing for her local church, as a course for local schools of supernatural ministry as part of their ongoing curriculum, and hosts a monthly mentorship group for upcoming ministers who want to be equipped and released into ministry.
It is her passion and mandate to set the captives free (Isaiah 61) and equip others to joyfully do the same! Request her to teach, preach or equip alongside your vision.