Hormone Wellness Academy
Are you ready to ditch painful periods, mood swings, hot flashes, and monthly migraines for good?
You're tired of being told your mood swings, irritability, PMS and migraines are normal.
You wish you understood what your cycle was telling you and what your symptoms actually mean.
You're tired of guessing what foods to eat or what to really focus on when it comes to balancing your hormones.
I know you're tired.
I know your time is short and that your hormones are confusing.
I know that you're a running on fumes. Totally tapped out of energy to focus on yourself...
But I've got the answer for you.
What if there was a way to be totally done with:
Mood-killing lack of libido
All the guess work that has kept you feeling stuck with your painful symptoms
Migraines that knock you out for days before your period- and not knowing why.
The truth is, your partner probably wants his companion back. He misses the playful, energetic woman he met. But you're uncomfortable in your own skin. You don't feel like yourself anymore.
You want to be present for your kids. To chase them around the yard. To enjoy them instead of losing your temper.
You Deserve to Feel Better Than This.
For your family. For your career. For yourself.
You deserve a healthcare experience where your symptoms and concerns are listened to…
Where you not only have the steps to follow, but the support to make sure you can make it to your end goal.
You’re not alone!
Millions of women just like you suffer through these awful symptoms.
They think they’re destined to feel miserable.
They face every day with dread of the cramps, the mood swings, being weepy over every. little. thing.
They’ve been told “If you’d just lose some weight…” as if it's their fault they feel like crap.
Is that you?
Are you tired of asking yourself:
Waking up feeling like you'd had the most solid sleep of your life...
Having the energy to chase your kids around the yard…
…without having to stop and rest every 5 minutes. (Or worse, watch from the window because you're in too much pain.)
FINALLY understanding what your symptoms mean.
Feeling empowered with the knowledge to make choices that impact your hormones- for good.
...instead of always guessing what to focus on.
Feeling like your "old" self again. The one who enjoyed life…
...never having to cancel plans or be controlled by your hormones again.

You CAN feel hopeful for your future and have the energy to pursue your dreams again.
You CAN actually have energy (and desire) to have sex again so you can feel connected to your partner again.
You CAN have months where your cycle comes around and you don’t even see it coming - no cramps, no heavy flow, no bloating, diarrhea or abdominal pain and NO MIGRAINES!
You can get control of your life back.
Hormone Wellness Academy
Andrea Jones
Registered Nurse, Holistic Hormone Coach, Inner Healing & Deliverance Pastor
What’s Included:
Dive into systematic step by step protocols designed to address hormone imbalance at the root cause. Go at your own pace week-by-week and build on strategies to address every area of hormone health.
Let us help you uproot those root causes by reviewing your cycle patterns.
Need some support to stick with your plan? Struggling to implement some key strategies? You’ve got all the help you need to get there with our group coaching calls.
No more guessing what foods to eat or avoid….you’ll have all the custom recipes at your fingertips to ensure your success.
I get the struggle.
I understand you because I was you.
In 2011 I thought I was losing my mind. My periods became so painful I had to literally crawl to the bathroom. My husband barely recognized me anymore. The mood swings were so out of control, I wanted to hide from everyone for several days every month.
Not to mention insomnia, hot flashes, bloating, and lack of energy. I was miserable
As an RN, I learned a lot from western “modern” medicine. I trusted it. But it was failing me.
Doctor after doctor treated me like I was crazy. But I knew there had to be a reason I was suffering.
So I set out to find it. Through my own health crisis, I learned that an integrative approach to my own health was essential. Western medicine AND natural healing.
In 2017 I launched the Happy Hormones program, an international program for women, after years of working with women 1:1. It's my mission to help women just like you and me to never have to suffer from their awful hormone symptoms again.
I am in the business of helping others experience true physical, emotional and spiritual freedom.
I have a deep appreciation and understanding that we are mind, body and spirit, and health issues need to be treated holistically.
Real. Sustainable. Results.
I am both relieved and upset that my doctor never told me any of this. I just can't help but think of all the years I wasted feeling miserable because I didn't understand my cycle and what to focus on.
This program is essential. I too was one of those "know it all's" that thought I could do it on my own because I had already done so much research. It was essential to my healing to have a coach!
Having a team available to help me understand my tracking, what my cycle was telling me, left me feeling really empowered to make changes with my hormones! I feel like I can trust my body again!
To help make the process as smooth for you as possible, you’ll receive the following bonuses:

Commit to being supported and encouraged as you reach your goal.
You deserve it. And so does your family. They deserve to have the very best version of YOU.
This program was created for women who:
Are sick and tired of being sick and tired. They’re ready to make a big change in their life to feel better!
Know they need to change some things, but don’t know where to start! They’ve researched and Googled a ton, but are still confused about what can actually help.
Don’t want to go it alone. Knowing how much a cheerleader, friend and coach will help them, they’re ready to be part of a team to tackle their hormone issues.
Know they just need a step-by-step approach that can be done no matter how much they have on their plate.
Are committed to the process and journey. They know it won’t be an overnight fix. But with a few tweaks, they’ll make HUGE changes in a few months.
The time is now. You’ve got this.
We've found in all of our hundreds of conversations with women, as well as our extensive research, that the two key things missing to women's hormone healing journey is: Lack of support and accountability, and not knowing where to focus your efforts. The Hormone Wellness Academy solves both!
We all have enough time to take care of ourselves. Think about how much time you spend being miserable. Now imagine taking that time and putting it toward what absolutely lights you UP in life. That’s what this time investment will give you. In less than an hour every week, you’ll finally have the reins to your life back!
Yes. This is a month-to-month membership and you can cancel or upgrade at any time.
Unfortunately not. But we do accept HSA!
No, although if you want access to coaching and personal feedback, that is where that service is provided.
All trainings will be recorded so you can view them anytime after the training at your convenience.