Does Your Food Make You Angry?
I had been reading and researching like crazy how gluten affects your thyroid because the gluten protein is almost identical molecularly to the thyroid hormone, and so your body begins attacking your own thyroid which can lead to thyroid disorders, etc. I decided after having such a negative response to gluten upon reintroducing it, that we would just cut it out altogether.

Supporting Your Mood with Food Doesn’t Have to be Boring
When it comes to supporting our mood, food may not be your first thought as far as effective treatments. You may be thinking an SSRI or mood stabilizer is your only option.
But recent research shows that there is so much more to a calm and balanced mood than just serotonin hanging around in the neurotransmitter space so we can feel good.

Picky Eaters with Food Allergies? Try This Recipe!
As a mom of 2 children with various food allergies, finding delicious and nutritious recipes that everyone can enjoy can feel downright impossible.. And when I do finally find something that meets all the requirements (no eggs, dairy, soy, or corn), then they seem to hate it.