The Most Painful Part…
The pain that this belief brought up was indescribable and the tension grew as I continued to fight when God was asking me to surrender and I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I began to have to look at my belief about who God is… is he kind? Is he for me even in this? Where is he when I’m being crushed? Does he even see how much this is costing us emotionally, spiritually and financially?

5 Tests to Have Done When Experiencing Anxiety
Anxiety might just be one of the worst experiences. The racing thoughts, heart palpitations, irrational thoughts and sleeplessness make day to day living very difficult. As someone who has overcome a diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder and C-PTSD, I can tell you that anxiety must be addressed holistically if we want to get breakthrough and overcome for the long term

How to Have a Sound Mind in Tumultuous Times
You may be familiar with the verse in 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind” and wondered what it means to have a sound mind.