Why Working With a Nutritionist on your Hormones Might Be More Harm Than Good

I was on the phone with a woman last week who had been struggling with migraines around her cycle, irritability, fatigue, and irritability at least 2 weeks out of every month. 

Daily exercise only helped a little, and after working for 6 months and spending $2500 on a nutritionist, her symptoms were only 30% better than before. 

She knew how to count her macros.

She knew how to plan her meals. 

She knew how to eat nourishing foods. 

She knew how to listen to her body and what her symptoms were telling her. 

After spending a large chunk of her savings and giving up an hour of her time every week for 6 months, she expected to be much farther along than she was.

So what was she missing? 

Well, here’s the deal: Nutritionists are great (In fact, I have one employed that works with all of my clients in the Hormone Wellness Academy Monthly Coaching program)...

The difference is while most nutritionists can teach you the basics of macros and micros, eating the right number and type of calories for your goals, most of them are missing a streamlined process and a proven method to actually address the root causes of your hormone imbalances:

  • Poor liver detoxification of estrogen leading to migraines, breast tenderness, fatigue, cramps and heavy periods.

  • Disconnected gut-brain connection leading to mood swings, low progesterone, irritability, insomnia and anxiety. 

  • Nutrient and mineral deficiencies: Most nutritionists focus on restoring nutrients FIRST, but if you try to do that before you address the big obstacles of liver metabolism and gut-brain dysregulation, you’re going to see minimal improvement at best 

You can eat all the “right foods and good foods”, but if you’re not eating for the specific phase of hormone healing, you’re going to feel stuck and frustrated with your symptoms. 

Curious what root causes you need to work on?

Schedule a free discovery call HERE 


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